Contributed Talks
Alexandre Arias Junior, Schwartz very weak solutions for Schrödinger type equations
Sanja Atanasova, Asymptotic analysis of some fractional transforms on distribution spaces
Chikh Bouzar, On spaces of multi-anisotropic ultradifferentiable functions
Niels Charlier, Manipulating chromatic sets in non-standard enlargements
Elena Cordero, Understanding of linear operators through Wigner analysis
Claudia Garetto, Hyperbolic systems with singular coefficients
Snežana Gordić, The fractional Zener wave equation with random density
Matko Grbac, Application of H-measures to evolution equations
Ivan Ivec, Microlocal compactness wave fronts in Sobolev spaces
Smiljana Jakšić, Why do we need Pilipović spaces on positive orthants?
Thomas Kalmes, Linear topological invariants for kernels of differential operators
Tillmann Kleiner, Amalgam spaces of distributions with discrete global components
Irina Kmit, Lyapunov functions and smooth periodic solutions to quasilinear 1D hyperbolic systems
Sanja Konjik, Controllability and observability of linear time-varying fractional systems
Vishvesh Kumar, Stein-Weiss inequality on non-compact symmetric spaces
Michael Kunzinger, Ricci curvature bounds for low regularity Riemannian metrics
Grzegorz Łysik, Smoothness of the Dunkl analytic functions
Snježana Maksimović, Asymptotic results for the distributional fractional Stockwell transform
Tokio Matsuyama, Blowup rate for solutions to the Kirchhoff equation
Lenny Neyt, Hermite expansions for spaces of nearly optimal time-frequency decay
Toru Nogayama, Weighted maximal inequalities on Bourgain-Morry spaces
Michael Oberguggenberger, Colombeau solutions to stochastic wave and transport equations
Bojan Prangoski, Microlocal defect measures to sequences with prescribed L2 wave front set
Tapendu Rana, Lp-boundedness of pseudo-differential operators on SL(2,R) of fixed K-type
Manon Ryckebusch, A Fréchet-Lie group on distributions
Takahiro Saito, On the Hodge filtration of the Fourier-Laplace transform of a monodromic D-module
Yoshihiro Sawano, Generalized Campanato spaces of higher order
Roland Steinbauer, The focusing of geodesics under distributional curvature bounds
Giovanni Taglialatela, On the Gevrey strong hyperbolicity
Nenad Teofanov, A friendly guide to Pilipović spaces
Todor D. Todorov, An algebra of regular generalized functions in non-standard setting
Daniel Velinov, A measure-theoretic perspective on almost periodic functions
Ivana Vojnović, Microlocal defect measures and wave-front sets
Gulmira K. Zakiryanova, Fundamental and generalized solutions of the Klein-Gordon transport equation
Milica Žigić, Extended Gevrey regularity